Surface cleaner FL370
The area of application of this surface cleaner ranges from the removal of paint from gratings in paint shops to the cleaning and roughening of a wide variety of substrates to the removal of road markings and cement slurry. Even the removal of concrete or joint material is very well possible with the FL370.
Technical Specifications
- Operating pressure 200 -2,800 bar
- Flow rate 20 - 200 l/min
- Rotor speed max. 2000 1/min
- Working width 310 - 340 mm
- Weight 70 kg
- Minimal interfering edges
- Infinitely adjustable cleaning distance
- Good straight running
- Ergonomic operation
- Not rusting
Typical products
Equipped with rotor arm or nozzle bar
Carrying handle for transport
Suction system (optional)
Additional weights (optional)
Swivel castors (optional)